
Friday, August 30, 2013

Week of August 27-30

We've survived the second week of school.  Let me begin by saying Thank You again to all of the families that have sent in various supplies for the art room.  Every donation helps a lot.  Because we use a variety of art supplies as well as other supplied in creating projects (and cleaning up after creating), every single donation helps.  Other things you can continue to send throughout the year include toilet paper and paper towel rolls, magazines, and newspapers.  These items can be used in a variety of ways when creating projects during the year.  Other items we use a lot of include glue sticks, pencils (lots and lots of pencils), watercolor paints and colored pencils.  I appreciate any donations at any time during the year!

This week in art class the students have been working on creating their own unique puzzle pieces.  These puzzle pieces will all be combined to create a unique puzzle display in the classroom.  Because I get to do art with about 250 students this fill our class bulletin board.  The completed puzzle will remain on display throughout the school year.

Students who fail to use time wisely or have missed class this week will be able to bring a puzzle piece home and complete it.  These are their first creative project to be graded.

Next week students will begin creating their portfolios.  Portfolios are used to store all of the artwork they create throughout the year.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week of August 20-23, 2013

Welcome back to another exciting school year!  I am thrilled this year to have 8 classes of 4th-6th grade students to get to spend my days with.

We have had two class periods together in each class this week.  During our first class students were able to participate in a classroom scavenger hunt to help them find where everything is in our new classroom.  We then went through primary classroom rules and expectations.

During our second class together I introduced the idea of art through a fun children's book.  We then talked about the "Artistic Process" in a similar style of the scientific process.  We began talking about the way we move from the original thought and idea of an art project through creating a plan, gathering materials, creating the work, critiquing our results, and finalizing a project and displaying it for others to see.

We will follow this same procedure next week as we begin our first art project.  Students will individually design and create a puzzle piece that will be combined with all of the pieces created by all of the 8 classes to create a collaborative art piece that will be displayed throughout the school year.  I am excited to see what they come up with and the final results.

This week each student also brought home a disclosure document that details our class rules and expectations as well as a list of supplies that we can use in the classroom.  I am thankful for the supplies that have already been brought in!  If each student brings in just one item from the list it will help benefit all of our 8 classes.

I look forward to a great year exploring art ideas and concepts as well as creating with your children.  I believe that inside each of them are great ideas and creativity waiting to be expressed.  If you ever have questions about projects we are working on or what we are doing in the art room please feel free to email me at or call me at the school 801-756-8531 room 158,

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A New Year, A New Room

It's almost time for a new school year to begin, and I am excited to be meeting my students next week.

I have been busy this summer.  Some of the things I have done this summer include moving from our old classroom to our new art classroom just down the hall, taking online courses in art and education, and attending a fun summer Elementary Arts training through the district.  I have also had the opportunity to spend a lot of vacation time with my family and found several good books to read.

Moving our art room has given me the opportunity to re-decorate and create some new fun displays in our room.  I also have discovered a great collaborative art piece that was done by Forbes students a number of years ago.  I have also started planning some of the fun projects we can do this year.

I hope you are all as excited to get back to school as I am!