
Friday, October 18, 2013

Week of October 15-18

In art class we have been working on learning/reviewing the essential elements of art.  This week we have just begun to combine different elements and learn additional art vocabulary as we begin doing projects.  This week we have done both a free-style sculpture combining line, shape, and space.  At the end of the week we just did our first watercolor project.  Students learned about resists using crayon and watercolor.  They were guided to draw a series of spider webs on their paper using only white crayon.  They could then choose from any color of paint to paint over their drawing to see how the crayon resists the paint and you can see the image behind the paint.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week of October 8th - 9th

Because this week was only one day each for my classes, we decided to use this time to work on projects that needed just a little more time.  Most of the students were able to get everything they had half done completed.   

Enjoy your fall break.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week of Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th

First, I want to thank all of those students and parents who took the time to come and visit me in the Art Room during SEPs.  I hope you enjoyed getting to see a little of what they have been doing so far in art.

This week we finished learning/reviewing color.  We talked about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors as well as learned about complementary and analogous colors.  We talked about colors as they are used to express emotions and feelings.

Because I like to start each month with a fun project for the students, we created chalked pumpkins this week.  We talked just a little bit about texture in their drawings and how using different mediums as well as different drawing techniques can create a different look to what we are creating.  When drawing their pumpkins they were to add texture elements.

They also had the opportunity to do a paper folding activity to create 3-D fall leaves.  These leaves and some of their pumpkins were used in creating the hallway display.

Next week is a short week with Fall Break on Thursday and Friday.  I will only get to see each class once, so I will let students use this last day to work on finishing a variety of projects that they may only have partially completed.