
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week of January 22nd thru 25th

This week students got to work on another fun winter project.  They each created a landscape painting of trees.  First they created their trees by ripping painters tape and placing it on their paper.  Once they had created their grouping of trees they were then allowed to paint over the taped trees to create a background.  They were instructed to create a horizion line behind their trees and to use the other elements we have learned so far this year to create their landscape.  They were allowed to create any type of sky they wanted, meaning they could choose to do a sunset, sunrise, or night sky.  They were asked to include shadows from their trees as well as value elements to show highlights.  Once the paintings were dry they then removed the painters tape and were left with white voids for their trees.  They completed the landscapes by adding in texture and other details on their trees.  There were several students that completed their project this week, but many others will have time next week to finish.

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